DOI 10.31554/978-5-7925-0571-1-2019-2-111-116
Breslavsky Anatoliy Sergeevich, Candidate of History, Leading Researcher of the Institute for Mongolian, Buddhist and Tibetan Studies of the SB RAS Ulan-Ude, Russia
Russian suburbanization, diverse in its content due to the regional diversity of the country, can be extremely interesting and useful for a deeper understanding of the phenomenon of the so-called «post-socialist suburban revolution» and its regional forms. At the same time, the suburbs of major Russian cities and the suburban lifestyle in their different regional manifestations remain poorly studied despite the impressive prospects for comparative and generalizing analysis. In the field of «suburban studies», which is just beginning to develop in Russia, about 10 specialists are working today (mainly geographers, sociologists, historians) from several regions of the country. Their tasks include the construction of a common subject field, setting research goals, searching for «working» concepts for the analysis and understanding of Russian data, critical analysis of the research source base, collection and systematization of regional material, typology and generalization of regional cases, inclusion of research results in international discussions.